Helena Norberg-Hodge from Local Futures is one of the leaders in thinking about localism and how local economies are the answer to our need for sustainability. What this video with her on the Russell Brand channel for some real good insights into localism and why Local purchasing clubs are badly needed.
Category: Inspiration
Identifying benefits of owning your own market
146 ideas – specifically the idea of a market owed by the people using is have take up a lot of my thinking. Most recently the story of Continuum. 146 has its roots in the Commons and peer to peer (P2P) an area of research drive ad curated by Michel Bauwens. Michel asked the Chat GPT about explaining P2P to ordinary people. I think the answer applies well to local purchasing groups. /
Kentucky typhoon
This drone footage of the aftermath of the Kentucky typhoon gives paus for thought: would a resilient 146 club have been able to help? See the footage here. https://youtu.be/ROXs0F7gcc4
Garden clubs show the way
We need to remember that online communities have not yet evolved the well-oiled functioning of local real clubs. This article from Colorado University bring how two things. 1) 146 clubs cannot take the governance of online communities 2) there is a lot of embedded knowledge of how to run local clubs that 146 can build on! https://www.colorado.edu/lab/medlab/2021/01/08/implicit-feudalism-why-online-communities-still-havent-caught-my-mothers-garden-club
Create a permaculture neighbourhood
Graph shows the magnitude of the scale and speed of defossilization ahead
The brutal logic of a cumulative problem: After 30 years of failure, global CO2 emissions must now get to 0 within 20 years (for global warming of 1.5°C). pic.twitter.com/u4NACjvJxN — Lasse Kummer (@LasseClimate) August 24, 2021 In 10 years, the global climate debate will be completely different from today. Global leaders will either have to admit that global warming will definitely exceed 1.5°C (or already has) or we’ll be able to celebrate a decade of […]
Listen to Robin Dunbar on his number
Robin Dunbar explains how come there is an optimal size of community – and gives us good reasons to keep the minimum cell size of our shared market to under 150.
Getting help with influencing society
There are ways and means and organisations ready to support the groundswell of citizen involvement in policy-making Digidem lab based in Sweden is one of them. Digidem Lab offers services and develops platforms for the participatory democracy of the future. https://digidemlab.org/en/services/
You just need kindness
One of the early applicants for the Water Air Food Award, Incredible Edible edible from Todmorden, UK – has gone on to inspire towns all over the UK to grow food everywhere (even outside the police station!) and just let people come and harvest it! And they have got really good at it! CNN did a lovely piece on them. (You have to watch the advert first) https://edition.cnn.com/videos/foodanddrink/2018/08/06/sharing-food.cnn Incredible Edible shows you how to get […]
Re-thinking the centre of your community
Place: Stockton, UK. Happening: The Stockton vision is to buy up, repurpose, restore and reconfigure the heart of the town, emphasising events, independent enterprise, green space and conviviality. This article from the Guardian gives a lot of new insight into what a community can do. Including refusing to leave the fate of the town up to developers.