Author: Stephen Hinton

Identifying benefits of owning your own market

146 ideas – specifically the idea of a market owed by the people using is have take up a lot of my thinking. Most recently the story of Continuum. 146 has its roots in the Commons and peer to peer (P2P) an area of research drive ad curated by Michel Bauwens. Michel asked the Chat GPT about explaining P2P to ordinary people. I think the answer applies well to local purchasing groups. /

Introduction Workshop in Swedish: Nora 23 Nov. 18:00

Nyfiken på de alternativa produktions- och distributionsformer som utvecklas av folk som vill säkerställa att planeten är beboelig?Vill du veta mer om dina möjligheter att påverka klimatet? Allt eftersom vår stordrift- på-gruv-och-skog-samhället krackelerar söker många alternativa sätt att driva på omställningen. Plattform Kooperativism har dykt upp som ett spännande alternativ till att handla från stora kedjor och ger en större makt till konsumenter. Just nu pågår arbete på en app som kallas på engelska “One […]

Walk-through workshop

What if you could buy things that are produced and work in a planet friendly way? As our large-scale mining-and-forest based systems start to fray,  many are looking for alternative ways to drive the transition to sustainability.. Platform Cooperativism has emerged as an exciting alternative to shopping from large chains and gives greater power to consumers. Programming is currently underway to create an app called “One Planet Purchasing” – helping us to  start acting now […]

What-if walk-though canvas

Use this canvas to structure your 146 initial discussions. Read the previous post for more background. What do you want to change? What irks do you have in common? What do you feel compelled to do something about? Explore how that will to change could be a product or service you buy jointly.Maybe you can see a range of productsand services. Rethinking ownership.Can you see patterns in what you are trying to do where sharing […]

What-if Walk-Throughs. The way to get started.

Wrenching the supply chain out of large corporate control is easy only in one’s mind. Once you start to decide that your purchasing will work as if there is only one planet, you find you come up against large supply chains that are telling you “no there isn’t there are plenty of planets!” I am saying this because any attempt to take control, unless you are very experienced in commerce, will end up hitting a […]


Isabel Carlisle at the Bioregional Learning Center in South Devon, UK, is on an exciting mission to build collaborations to shift South Devon towards long-term climate resilience. This piece includes an extensive excerpt of Dana Meadows’ vision for a network of learning centers to enhance “the capacity to solve problems in ways that are consistent with the culture and the environment.” It is incredibly inspiring to see Dana’s visions continue to live and actualize through […]

A cooperative local market could drive the circular economy

Sweden, like many countries, is pursuing the circular economy as a path to decarbonization, to the bio-economy and to ensure their economy has enough material resources. Apart from the climate emergency, pressure from population increases and rising standards are about to create inevitable material shortages. Still developing, the idea of circular economy begs us to envision a circular home, a circular neighbourhood and circular municipality. This article explores what a circular economy neighbourhood might look like, and how […]

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