Use this canvas to structure your 146 initial discussions. Read the previous post for more background.
What do you want to change? What irks do you have in common? What do you feel compelled to do something about? | Explore how that will to change could be a product or service you buy jointly. Maybe you can see a range of products and services. | Rethinking ownership. Can you see patterns in what you are trying to do where sharing and co-owning would be cheaper for you and better for the planet? Or, for example, changing habits, like composting all your organic waste together, or collecting all urine to use as fertilizer? |
Unitisation It’s good to think in Units – that is to say what is the ideal size of the chunk of product/service. For example a one-week supply, an hour’s rent, a day’s rent. This helps work out how much and when it is needed. And helps with costing. | Supply chain #1 Who by and where could this product or service be produced? Is it available already? | Supply chain #2 How could this product or service be delivered to your group? Think about pick-up points. |
Payment #1 Who pays whom for what and how often. Pay on delivery? The advantages of pre-pay. Especially subscription. Do you need to create a purchasing cooperative or can you just have a mutual agreement you all sign, or does one of you have a company who will act as a fiscal sponsor. | Payment #2 Is a repair fund needed? Administering sales takes actual work. Will you appoint someone (paid) to do that work? MOQ. Minimum order quantity. How will you get people to sign up? | Getting started What agreements and contracts need to be signed? Do you need a working group to go through the details. Can you find a good enough for now safe enough to try starting point?Getting started What agreements and contracts need to be signed? Do you need a working group to go through the details. Can you find a good enough for now safe enough to try starting point? |