Let’s take the Swedish situation: Sweden has
- 17000 postcodes
- About 280 households per postcode
- 6004 voting districts
- 349 constituencies
- About 17 districts per constituency
That means there are about 2-3 postcodes in each voting district.
These figures show us how to get organized to make our voices heard.
One 146 club is around half of a postcode, which is one whole quarter or third of a voting district.
As 146 clubs start to speak with one voice – the message gets aggregated up to the constituency level.
For example, suppose a 146 club formulates a strong opinion about fossil fuel subsidies.
This opinion spreads to nearby 146 clubs. It would take two clubs in each voting district of say nine districts – 18 clubs – to send a message that in that area over half of the population think in this way. These are powerful messages to send to working politicians.
146help is working on a secure app to make this happen. Subscribe to this site to be updated.
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